Child and Spousal Support Attorneys

Financial Support: Child and Spousal Support

two children holding handsChild support is an amount of money paid to one parent by the other monthly for the support and benefit of the parties’ children. The State of Oregon utilizes a complex formula using the parties’ incomes and various other factors to determine an appropriate amount of child support. This formula is known as the “Oregon Child Support Guidelines” a link to the child support calculator is found on our resources page. The Court may allow a departure from the State’s “presumptive support amount” based on a number of factors. Hobson Oram Law will help you navigate the child support guidelines and departure factors and assist you in obtaining a judgment for the appropriate amount of child support.

Spousal support is an amount of money paid by one former spouse to the other for support. There are three categories of spousal support; transitional, maintenance and compensatory. In general, transitional support is to a party in obtaining education or furthering employment opportunities. Maintenance support is to ensure that a party is able to maintain the lifestyle that they have become accustomed to during their marriage to the extent reasonably possible. Compensatory support is to compensate a spouse for their significant long term contribution to the other spouse’s earnings capacity. There are no calculators or guidelines for spousal support in Oregon. Each award of spousal support is “fact specific” based on each individual case. Experienced advocacy counts in analyzing a party’s entitlement to spousal support or their obligation to pay spousal support.

Call Us Today at 503.649.6333 for an Initial Consultation. Our initial consultation is $200 for the first hour, which is due at the time of the consultation.

Hobson Oram Law